
About me

I'm Zainab Ali. I'm currently 12 years old. I've always been an ambitious person (let's not talk about the lazy part though, 💀) . I have two sisters. One older and one younger than me. I have many likes and dislikes, and I'm a very picky person. I also love to write, though I'm awful at it 😐
What I do in a day is pretty much always based on my mood, but I try to be as productive as I can (I dont). School has been one of the best parts of my life. Yeah, yeah, I know it's surprising to hear it from me, someone who never studies, but to be honest, school has always been fun. Except for the studying part, obviously...
I guess that's all you need to know about me for now. I'd be pleased if you explored my website so you could get to know me more :)

About the website

I don't have a lot of things I've mastered, but I'm not awful at them either. I like doing arts, and I LOVE sports. Sports is one of my favorite things in the world. I love to do many productive things and try new hobbies. I'm also obsessed with reading. May sound crazy but a year or two ago, I used to read about serial killers. I'm still obsessed with scary stuff, and most of the stories I write are horror too. Poetry has always amused me. The emotions that man feels, but cannot word properly are perfectly described through poetry. A part of me craves to be a poet too, but I don't feel like I will be able to write good poetry, maybe because I'm very impatient so I get frustrated when I can't come up with something meaningful.
This website is only based on me, and my life. I will share my life, my experiences, my stories and things that I want to tell others through it. I will tell you some of my all time favorite poetry too. The website may sound pretty boring, but it definitely isn't actually. I kid you not, I have the best of stuff awaiting you on the other pages.


My favorites

I have a lot of things I enjoy doing, and I'm sure you enjoy most of them too. If you want to get to know more about my likes then...

My stories

Click on the link to read some of my stories. I love to write and I would love to show you some of my work :D

My achievements

The more achievements you have, the more you can flex. I cherish all of my certificates and trophies, and you can find them when you...